Category: Maximally Minimal

From the Alleys of Darkness: Part 3 – In Praise of Shadows

We are all hidden in the dark,finding our way together to the light. Many define the light before the light is reached and fix on their defining. There in the dark we clamor for others to embrace their defining, demanding its elevation, and giving it names they claim as sacred…

From the Alleys of Darkness: Part 2 – Inception’

“Inception” takes place, for the most part, in a dream. Now the question arises can we create a Dream? What i believe is that we live in a world of Diffused Light.By throwing away lights to a hard source, with a diffusion, one can isolate elements on a certain territory of space. Now this gap between the original space and the isolated space could be claimed as the beginning of a Dream’…

And Inception?